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Armor Advantage develops advanced composite materials for use in body armor, vehicle armor, and fortification applications. Our armored materials are designed to maintain a high level of protective capability, even after withstanding a shocking amount of damage.


While most of our armored materials are intended to protect against civilian threats, including high powered hunting rifles, we have the capability to produce materials that can withstand armor piercing ammunition and special threats upon request, and on a case by case basis.


You can purchase body armor through our online store in addition to calling our office. For fortification projects and custom work, we ask that you contact our office at (405) 653-7973




Our standard types of armored materials are described below:


A6000 Armor:

A6000 Armor is made from a military grade ballistic steel, similar to that used in light armored vehicles. A6000 Armor is capable of protecting against most pistol and rifles, though high velocity hunting rounds can be problematic at close range, and can withstand a great many hits without losing its protective capability. The hardened steel core distributes impact energy across the entire armored surface, thus substantially reducing traumatic effects when compared to soft armor and most ceramics. A6000 Armor is ideally suited for fortification purposes as well, since it is comparatively inexpensive, and can even stop high velocity hunting rounds and armor piercing rounds when multiple layers are applied to a structure or vehicle.


Composite 1 Armor:


Composite 1 Armor is made from a metalic-polymer composite material, that is capable of protecting against most pistol and rifles, and can withstand multiple hits while retaining most of its protective capability. Composite 1 Armor improves the odds of stopping high velocity hunting rounds, depending on distance, and the Kevlar wrapping helps protect against bullet fragmentation. Composite 1 Armor is extremely rigid and greatly reduces the effect of impact trauma by spreading impact energy across the armored surface.


Composite 2 Armor:


Composite 2 Armor is made from an improved metalic-polymer composite material, that is capable of protecting against most pistol and rifles, and can withstand a great many hits while retaining most of its protective capability. Composite 2 Armor greatly improves the odds of stopping high velocity hunting rounds, depending on distance, and can often stop hits from lower velocity 30.06 rounds. Composite 2 Armor has a thicker Kevlar wrapping which offers improved protection against bullet fragmentation, and is extremely rigid which greatly reduces the effect of impact trauma by spreading impact energy across the armored surface.


Composite 3 Armor:


Composite 3 Armor is made from an advanced metalic-polymer composite material, that is capable of protecting against most pistol and rifles, and can withstand a great many hits while retaining most of its protective capability, even after sustaining substantial damage. Composite 3 Armor greatly improves the odds of stopping high velocity hunting rounds, even at close range, and can often stop hits from high velocity 30.06 rounds. Composite 3 Armor has a thicker Kevlar wrapping which offers improved protection against bullet fragmentation, and is extremely rigid which greatly reduces the effect of impact trauma by spreading impact energy across the armored surface.

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